The Biology Of Skin



 Like any other part of our body, our skin is highly intelligent. Being the largest organ on the body the skin is very much so, a living, breathing thing. I like to think of the skin as a physical auric field that protects us from our external environment and harmful pollutants in the atmosphere. For my moors in the back, an auric field or aura is a spiritual energy field that encapsulates the human body made up of seven layers. Each layer intertwines and interacts with one another. The first, being the physical layer, is strong and responsible for all physical sensations. The skin, like any other organ, is made up of cells. Those cells make up tissues, tissues make organs and organs make organ systems. In particular, the skin barrier system.

The skin barrier is essentially a system within the skin that acts as a defense system. One key feature of the skin barrier is the acid mantle, a natural concoction made up of secretions, epidermal lipids and other natural moisturizing factors. The acid mantle is a water-oil emulsion that covers the entire surface of the skin. The quality and strength of this substance determines the overall skin’s health and well-being. This water-oil emulsion is a perfect habitat where we find our nano-sized, antiseptic allies known as microflora bacteria. The allies that live on the surface of our skin are beneficial and further contribute to our skin’s defense system. Without them, this is how many skin conditions develop or worsen. A healthy defense of skin microflora bacteria will look like a low PH of the skin (5.5), combating growth from other harmful bacteria, guarding toxic chemicals from being absorbed into the skin and retention against losing excess moisture from the skin. If the acid mantle is impaired or stripped away from neglected skin care routines, harsh cleansers or over exfoliating this will have a domino effect on our allies' defense and inevitably the overall well being of the skin. That's why the best way to overcome these skin conditions is to focus on the skin barrier and why Essence Of A Gem makes it our focal point in all our regimes and products.

The skin barrier's health and integrity directly affects the skin’s ability to restore and heal itself. We must not forget that we are divinely created, every detail is tailored towards the optimization of our highest good. It is our choice to learn to support and love that aspect of ourselves moor. With Essence Of A Gem, we handcraft products that do just that because with us, it’s deeper than skin. It’s science. Allow us to guide you on how to alchemize.




Photography: Micaiah Carter 

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