Melanin is Go(l)d

Melanin is the biochemical substance that drives our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. Melanin is not only found in the skin, but as well as within our bodies and nature. From our cells to our nerves, throughout the brain, and even in the cosmos; all house the powerful compound that is essential to life itself. Melanin is secreted from our pineal gland which helps to regulate the pituitary gland and all other bodily functions; including cycles and our circadian rhythms. Melanin essentially produces itself with the help of our metal friends, copper and gold. Hence, why we are known as copper-colored beings. We are able to absorb energy from sunlight, electromagnetic frequencies, music, cosmic rays, and even crystals all because of melanin. It is a conductor deep within our nerves that send messages throughout the body quickly and effectively. Through a process known as resonance, melanin is able to use the energy of our total environment from the Earth, Moon, Sun, cycles of the planets, cycles of minerals, plants/herbs etc. to rearrange itself as it sees fit. An intelligence beyond modern day science comprehension, a science only meant for it's people.
The color of melanin appears as black/brown and at times a deep indigo, because it is absorbing all colors. Once a color enters melanin it cannot escape. Once you go black you never go back! A concentrated pigment similar to a black hole in outer space. Our pineal gland's ability to secrete melanin is sunlight dependent. The Sun radiates full color spectrums of light, that light then strikes the eye's retina and stimulates the pineal gland to secrete melanin. The melanin then turns into serotonin and melatonin hormones.
Serotonin polymerizes and forms into melatonin. Serotonin causes muscles to contract, regulates blood pressure, effects our moods and has the ability to alter consciousness aka improvise other realities. Consequently, the heighten ability to act and create spontaneously (improvise) is a characteristic in black people that reflects in our creativity, art, music, dance and culture. Improvisation is a melanin ability to think and understand by creating and recreating in the moment of "now". Melatonin is secreted into the blood after sunset. It than polymerizes and forms melanin, helping to maintain, repair, and build brain and nerve tissue. In European (Greek) chemistry melanin is studied in biology, as the purplish indigo brain of a cell known as the nucleus, but of course like everything else is our history that reflects the power of our nature. Melanin is never mentioned. We see, hear, smell, taste, touch and feel life with our brain. Our sensations are converted into liquid form for information to be transported through the brain. The chemical conversion or change is melanin itself, the body's computer in liquid form. It allows us to be in contact with our inner body and allows our inner body to be in contact with our reality.
As electromagnetic beings that is why self care and knowing thyself is a must. We must learn how to nourish our melanin from the inside, out by incorporating a variety of colorful foods into our daily diets, drinking purified water, getting outside to bash in the Sun, being more conscious of the products we use and even planting our feet on the Earth to recalibrate our beings. We as a people have been taught culture and practices that are not in alignment with our truest nature. Our melanin is an asset that holds intrinsic value, that when nourished can unlock a numerous of power and abilities beyond ordinary modern perception. It is our duty to not be afraid to unlearn what we thought we had known about ourselves and relearn how to operate in a way more conducive with our nature. Imagine how powerful of a people that truly know and understand thyself down to the essence of their being.
We will move mountains, we will build nations, we will be unstoppable.
A people of an immaculate principle. 


Serotonin Melatonin


Herbs Combination


Gingko or Gota Kola, Damiana, Eyebright, Echinacea, Ashawaganda



Gingko or Gota Kola, Chamomile, Echinacea


 Apricots, Apples, Peaches, Mangos, Papayas, Star Fruit, Figs, Dates, Bananas, Plantains, Yams, Red Cherries, Purple Grapes, Guava, Broccoli, Spelt, Wild Rice, Blueberries, Collard Greens, Cauliflower, Oranges, Dandelion Greens, Fresh Olives, Raw Peanuts, Strawberries, Currants, Lemons, Turnips



  • carbohydrates increases tryptophan = calmness (melatonin)
  • protein increases dopamine/ norepinephrine/ tyrosine = alertness (serotonin)
  •  fruits stimulates melanin energy 
  • vegetables stabilize melanin energy
Dr. Llaila O. Akrika (2014) "The Power and Science of Melanin: The Biochemical that Makes Black People Black"

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